
Peace for the World

This Lesson is copyrighted to the Tut Writer,
� esamu2021 This Lesson may not be forwarded,
shared or otherwise placed on any Web Site
without written permission from �Esamu.
This tutorial was create in Corel 16,
but can also made in the other Versions.





MuRa's Filter Meister - Cloud
Xero - Porcelain
AFS IMPORT-sqborder2
Mehdi-Absolute Color
Flaming Pear-Flood


Double click the. fls files to save to your Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 -Impack-Perspectve Shadow Presets
Download and extract to your Plugins folder
Donload supplies and extract to a file on your computer then
open in PSP and minimise
Drag the green button with you to mark your place in the tutorial

Materials Palette


Let start

Step 1

File-New Open New File 800x 600 white
Layers - Promote Background Layer

Foreground #ffffff, Background #c4ccb5

Foreground #FFFFFF
Background #c4ccb5

Effects Pugins MuRa's Meister Cloud

Step 2

Maximize telitaj.pspimage
Windows-Duplicate, close the original.

Edit -Paste as New with the Move Tool, move to the top of to the right Layer

Layers Duplicate

This what you should have

Step 3

Copy of Raster1 and Raster2 and Raster 1 Merge down

Activate Raster 2

Layers-Prperties- Overlay

Open Raster1

Layers-Merge Down

Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance More

This what you should have

Maximize the hid.pspimage

Edit -Copy- Edit -Paste as New Layer

Layers-Properties-Opacity 44

Effects-Plugins Flaming Pear-Flood

Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance

Maximize the peace.png image

Edit -Copy- Edit -Paste as New Layer

Effetcts-Plugins-Absolute Color

Effects-Image -Image Effects-Offset

Horizontal offset-10 Vertical offset 68

Step 4

Maximize the girl.png image

Edit -Copy-Edit Paste as New Layer

With the Move Tool move a little left up, as you see on my image.

Effects-Plugins-Alien Skin Eye Candy 5.Impack
Perspectve Shadow�fls peace
click on peace.fls

Maximize the girl02.png image
Edit -Copy-Edit Paste as New Layer

With the Move Tool move a little left down to the right side, as you see on my image.

Effects-Plugins-Alien Skin Eye Candy 5.Impack
Perspectve Shadow�fls peace same settings

Layers- Merge Visible

Layers New Raster Layer

Flood Fill Tool-flood fill with background color

Step 5

Effects-Plugins- AFS Import-sqborder2

Layers Arrange -Move Down
Activate the Merged Layer
Image -Resize 85 % All Layers not checked

Effects-3D Effects-Drop Shadow H-V 2 Opacity 100,Blur 5 Color White
Repeat Drop Shadow H-V-2

Close the Raster1
Aktivate the Merged Layer



Open Raster1 Layer

Layers- Merge All (Flatten)

Image -Add Borders

Add Borders 2pix#ffffff

Add Borders 2 pix #c4ccb5

Selections-Select All

Add Borders 20 pix #c4ccb5

Effects-Plugins- AFS Import-sqborder2
same settings

Selections-Invert Effects- 3D -Drop Shadow , same settings

Selections-Select All
Add Borders 2pix#ffffff
Add Borders 2 pix #c4ccb5

Maximize the worldart.png image

Edit -Copy-Paste as New Layer

Move Tool- Move where you like best

Effects-3D -Drop Shadow

H-V.. 2 Black

Layers-New Layer

Add your Watermark and credits

Layers Merge All (Flatten)


File-Export -JPEG Optimizer
Compression value 20

edatutorials 2021
All Rights Reserved
Designed and Maintained by Etelka