Lilla dream

This Lesson is copyrighted to © esamu2023. This Lesson may not be forwarded or shared or otherwise placed on any Web Site without written permission from © esamu This tutorial is my own design and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. It was created in PSPX6
1342769824_48.jpg Mask
13427669820_46.jpg Mask
Tube and the Masks are from the internet unknown to me.
MV's Plugins –Perspective Transformations
Toadis- Weaver
Colours I used
Foreground # 907b8e
Background# 4a2642

Download the materials, open in PSP ..Window
Duplicate, minimize, close the original.
Set your foreground color to # 907b8e
Set your background color to # 4a2642

Angle 45
Repeats 3
Maximize the lilaalpha.pspimage
Flood fill with Gradient
Adjust…Blur…Gaussian blur 35

Layers:New Raster Layer
Flood fill with colour3#d0cad6
Layers:New Mask Layer:From Image

Layers Merge Group
Effects:Edge Effects.Enhance
Layers:New Raster Layer
Flood fill with #d0cad6
Layers:New Mask Layer:From Image

Layers Merge Group
Effects:Texture Effects:Canvas

Effects :Plugins –Toadis…Weaver Effects…Edge Effects… Enhance

Effects:Geometric Effect:Circle…Wrap

Effects:Edge Effects:User Defined 3Emboss_3
Layers:New Raster Layer
Selections:Load/Save Selection:Load Selection From Alpha Channel

Flood Fill with #d0cad6 color
Effects Effects:Texture GirdSelections…Modify…Contract 25

Selections:Modify:Contract 25
Layers New Raster Layer
Flood fill with #907b8e color
Maximize the0_b8fcb_a81db1ec_orig.png image
Edit:Copy:Paste Into Selection
Effects 3D Effects:Drop Shadow

Selections:Select None
Activate the Raster 2

Repeat the Drop Shadow, same settings
Merge Down Raster 3 and Raster2
Effects:Plugins MV's Plugins – Perspective Transformations

Image:Resize 90% All Layers not checked
Effects:Image Effects:Offset Horizonta –345.Vertical :0

Layers:New Raster Layer
Selections… Selections…
Load/Save Selection…Load Selection From Alpha Channel
Selection #1

Flood fill with #d0cad6 color

Effects Effects…Texture Gird…same settings

Selections:Modify:Contract 15

Layers:New Raster Layer

Flood fill with #907b8ecolor

Edit..Copy…Paste Into Selection the 0_b8fcb_a81db1ec_orig.png image

Effects 3D Effects:Drop Shadow

Selections…Select None
Activate the Raster 3
Repeat the Drop Shadow, same settings
Merge Down Raster 4 and Raster3

Effects..Plugins MV's Plugins – Perspective Transformations

Sett the Pano to: - 40.00
Effects:Image Effects:Offset 217 Vertical…0

Edit Copy:Paste as a New Layer the 0_b8fcb_a81db1ec_orig.png image

Pick Tool

Add Drop Shadow same settings

Layers Merge All (Flatten)

Image: Add Borders
Add Borders 1 pix #4a2642

Add Borders 1 pix #d0cad6

Add Borders 1 pix #4a2642

Selections: Select All

Add Borders 30 pix White color

Selections :Invert Flood fill with Gradient
Selections :Invert

Effects: Drop Shadow same settings

Repeat Drop Shadow -10

Selections … Select All

Add Borders 1 pix #4a2642
Selections.Select None
New Raster Layer Add your watermark
Layers Merge All (Flatten)
File… Export JEPG Optimizer compression 20

eddatutorials 2023
All Rights Reserved
Designed and Maintained by Etelka Samu